In-depth Telco Graphic Refresh
A lengthy and involved undertaking for AlphaPunk, this was an in-depth project for an established Telecomms company encompassing infographics, website and documentation graphics. The central theme was that of a 'comic-book' approach, most heavily obvious in the motion comics; restricted palette videos created by AlphaPunk in a comic book style using graphics supplied by Ninja Beaver.
A lengthy and involved undertaking for AlphaPunk, this was an in-depth project for an established Telecomms company encompassing infographics, website and documentation graphics.
The central theme was that of a 'comic-book' approach, most heavily obvious in the motion comics; restricted palette videos created by AlphaPunk in a comic book style using graphics supplied by Ninja Beaver.
Whitepaper Illustrations
The following illustrations were created for a mobile app developer whitepaper. They were all created with a mixture of Manga Studio and Photoshop.

Vector Graphics
The following are vector graphics created for company documentation, there is some cross-over with iconography design for the website.

Iconography, primarily for the website. All were created in Adobe Illustrator.

Vector infographics were produced for both internal and external promotion.

The above was a base infographic, changed each month for internal distribution.

The above was a promotional infographic, situated on the website.
Motion Comics
The assets were created in Illustrator, and then the AlphaPunk video and animation expert made them into motion comics using Adobe After Effects.

Key Characters
Throughout the project a few key characters appear in almost all of the promotional material; across business cards, whitepapers, banner ads and infographics.

Team Portraits
A series of team portraits was commissioned for the website, all done in a 'comic book' style.