Polar Panic
Polar Panic started life as an XBox Live Arcade game, by independent developers Eiconic. It has since expanded to the PSP and PS Vita, with extra 'adventures' added. I was involved with the project from the very beginning as Concept Artist, Story Mode Illustrator and also did art for the user interface and tutorial screens.
Polar Panic started life as an XBox Live Arcade game, by independent developers Eiconic. It has since expanded to the PSP and PS Vita, with extra 'adventures' added.
I was involved with the project from the very beginning as Concept Artist, Story Mode Illustrator and also did art for the user interface and tutorial screens.

Polar running from the Globoco trappers - XBox Live game cover art

Mr Bigg in the map room, surveying his 'Kingdom' - Story Mode illustration

Polar watching the destruciton of his habitat by the Globoco loggers - Story Mode illustration

Polar diving in to the sea to rescue his cubs from the trappers - Story Mode illustration

Mr Bigg's bear transporting boat - Story Mode illusration

The logging truck - Story Mode illustration

Globoco docks - Story Mode illustration

Barrels mini-game intro screen

Fish Biff ! - Concept Art

Front End User Interface Map - also serves as Mr Bigg's map

Free at last ! - Polar and family. Story Mode illustration

Iceman trapper concept art

Block shoving - Tutorial screen art